CS371P Spring 2021: Uma Sethuraman

Uma Sethuraman
2 min readMar 8, 2021

Blog Post 7 — CS371P: Object-Oriented Programming

What did you do this past week?

During the past week, my partner and I finished up the Voting project for this class and submitted it. I also worked with my team in my iOS Mobile Computing class to finish designing our iOS app and begin implementing the code. I also had an exam this week which I spent time preparing for.

What’s in your way?

Nothing major is in my way as of now. I have many assignments and quizzes next week to prepare for, so I will have to manage my time well.

What will you do next week?

If the third project for this class gets released next week, I’ll begin to work on that. I also will continue to work on assignments for my other classes. I have some quizzes as well next week which I will prepare for.

If you read it, what did you think of the Open-Closed Principle?

I have not read the Open-Closed Principle paper yet.

What was your experience of arrays, iterators, and algorithms?

Although I have worked with arrays, iterators, and algorithms in other languages, it’s been very interesting to learn about these concepts in detail in C++. I find it very helpful that Professor Downing gives us many examples of how these concepts work and are implemented.

What made you happy this week?

Spring break is coming up in a week, so I’m excited about that! The past couple of weeks have been quite hectic for me, so I’m looking forward to taking a break from schoolwork for a bit.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

It’s really important to spend a good amount of time designing your algorithm and planning out your code before beginning to implement a software project. For the Voting project in this class, my partner and I took some time to write out the algorithm we wanted to implement in pseudocode first. This allowed us to consider many edge cases and potential bugs in our algorithm that we may not have noticed if we had started coding immediately. Similarly, for the iOS Mobile Computing class that I am taking this semester, my team and I spent a lot of time refactoring our app proposal and working on our app design before actually beginning to code the app. This helped us to form a better idea of what we wanted our end product to be.


